Webb's Creek United Methodist Church

Step back in time and experience the beauty of Webb's Creek United Methodist Church, a historic sanctuary nestled in the peaceful cove beside a bubbling creek. This charming church embodies the values of simplicity and nostalgia, offering a warm welcome to all who seek solace within its walls. From its family-friendly services to its joyful community atmosphere, Webb's Creek United Methodist Church is a beacon of inclusivity and acceptance.

Come as you are and join this close-knit congregation where everyone is welcome with open arms. Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance, a sense of belonging, or simply a moment of peace, Webb's Creek United Methodist Church is the perfect place to find it. Embrace the timeless charm and authenticity of this beloved chapel and discover the true meaning of faith and fellowship.

Webbs Creek church in the Spring

Our Sunday services at Webb's Creek UMC are at 5:00 pm in the evening. Join us!

Webbs Creek church in the Spring
Webbs Creek church in the Spring
Webbs Creek church in the Spring

Webb's Creek UMC is located at 4331 E Scenic Dr, Gatlinburg, TN 37738. It is off of Hwy 321 East, as if you are driving toward Cosby, about 20 minutes from Gatlinburg.